
Guillem Sánchez Herranz

Scrumeito Padre

About me!

Hi everyone, I'm Guillem Sanchez Herranz and my role in this project has been Designer. I worked principaly in the level and ambient design, also I worked in some other areas (including playtests).


Lvl Design

Lvl 1: Redesing and Ambience

I was the scrum master in charge of fixing level 1, for that, together with my scrum colleagues, we did both a redesign at the gameplay level and a redesign of the environment. I was focused on the review of all the areas and finally ended up retouching many of these once my colleagues gave them to me so that they had cohesion between them.

    Some photos of the old map (last one is work in progress):

    Lvl 2: new horizons and wagonettes

    The great success of level 1 made us want all the other parts of the maps to be at least up to par, so I once again being a scrum master to create a new level 2 and fix the wagons. For the Level 2 (mahakam entrance) I worked with Marc Doctor, mainly helping him with the environment design and some tinkering with his bases.

    Level 2: mahakam entrance


    Probably my masterpiece of environment design. Initially I worked as a designer of the wagons, creating the map and deciding what actions the players could take, this part I did together with Marc Doctor and Marc Gálvez.

    This last delivery is where I have dedicated myself to creating and polishing this level, both designing and implementing the environment, and working on some code bugs that prevented a good experience (still have some normal problems).

    Some gifs: What we got/What we did

    Antique lvls:

    Here are some of the old levels that have not come to see the light, it depends on the time or the complications that generated us.

    In the vast majority of these I was working with Marc Doctor.

    Antique mahakam:

    This was a fun lvl to do, we were working around verticality, we had the idea of a open sky mine, and a lot of rails and diferent circular levels, also we wanted to do events in the bridge where a lot of ghouls whould overrun the players.

    Caravane Prision:

    Also a fun lvl to design, here we worked around the idea of reusing all the props, and also about a prision where the players should go in stealth if they dont wanna fight every soldier in the base.


    Marc Gálvez and I, started the server of playtest and we worked during multiple deliveries to let people try some of our games features to have feedback of the decisions we did design.